Today's Homily

Wednesday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time
Gen. 8:6-13, 20-22 & Mk.8:22-26
Without water there can be no life on our planet. But from the story of Noah we witness its devastating effects. The story reveals that only God can control water and when it oversteps its bounds He alone can make it subside. From the dove Noah learns that the flood has subsided and offers...


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From a very young age I wanted to be a priest. When I was a young boy in Delhi serving Mass I met a Capuchin priest I admired and so I made up my mind it was to be a Capuchin. One of my ambitions in life is for at least two young men to admire the life I lead and so inspire them to follow in my footsteps. If you feel called to be a Capuchin and you think I can help you, please contact me or write to me.

Should you want to support my work for the starving in the world, I would be grateful for any donations, no matter how small. Please send these by cheque to:

Father Francis Maple OFM Cap,
The Franciscan Friary,
15 Cuppin Street