Homily Archive

Sunday of Week 3 in Lent - Year C
A tragic story about a group of believers who were slaughtered by Roman soldiers begins today's Gospel reading. It appears that the people who...
We Need To Be Aware Of The Perils Of Privilege
Monday of Week 3 in Lent
Naaman the Syrian was a general in the king's army but he became a leper. The biblical term "leprosy" covers a wide range of skin diseases but it was...
Is This 'Prophet' Accepted By Us?
Tuesday of Week 3 in Lent
With two companions Azariah was thrown into a fiery furnace, and unharmed by the flames he prayed on behalf of his people, “We are reduced, O Lord,...
Why We Must Forgive But Not Count
Wednesday of Week 3 in Lent
It appeared to the scribes and Pharisees that Jesus had come to abolish the Law, but Jesus assured His disciples that this was not the case. For Him...
A Law Of Love For Us To Keep
Thursday of Week 3 in Lent
Ever since Satan first appeared in the Garden of Eden his favourite weapon has been disunity. Where God had planted harmony, love and wholeness,...
Beware The Sower Of Disunity
Friday of Week 3 in Lent
Return to the Lord who will heal people's wounds and recreate them as new beings. This is the plea of Hosea in the first reading. The result of our...
What Is Our Heart's Desire?
Saturday of Week 3 in Lent
Two men went into the Temple to pray. Their prayers were quite different. One was a Pharisee, a religious and respected man in the community. At the...
With Whom Do We Compare Ourselves?
Sunday of Week 4 in Lent - Year B
Does God love our world? Every saint would say yes. But put that question to parents who have lost a child in a fire and they would probably pose...
The Mystery Of God's Love For Us
Sunday of Week 4 in Lent - Year C
The parable in today's Gospel has to be the best short story ever told. Charles Dickens, for whom I have a great respect, called it “the most...
The Loving And Forgiving Father
Monday of Week 4 in Lent
The coming of an era when redemption would begin with the death and resurrection of Christ was foretold by Isaiah, and in today's Gospel we see the...
Blessings In Disguise
Tuesday of Week 4 in Lent
The theme of life-giving water dominates the readings and texts of today’s Mass beginning with the Entrance Antiphon, “Come to the waters, all...
From The Healing Hand Of Jesus
Wednesday of Week 4 in Lent
A desolate cry is heard in today's first reading, “The Lord has abandoned me, the Lord has forgotten me.” This is so untrue! The Lord is quick to...
The Right Role Model
Thursday of Week 4 in Lent
"The godless say to themselves, ‘Let us lie in wait for the virtuous man since he annoys us.’” I am sure we can all recognise that situation....
Carry Your Cross With Jesus
Friday of Week 4 in Lent
After all God had done for His chosen people, saving them from the hand of Pharaoh and the Egyptians with wonders and miracles, they were fickle and...
How Much Evidence Do We Need?
Saturday of Week 4 in Lent
The readiness of Jeremiah to suffer, as related in today's first reading, fits Jesus perfectly. He too will be a trusting lamb led to slaughter. A...
Wisdom From Surprising Sources
Sunday of Week 5 in Lent - Year B
Jesus, the Son of God, was reaching the end of His mission. The time was rapidly approaching when He would give up His life on Earth so that the...
Jesus Knows And Shares Our Fear
Sunday of Week 5 in Lent - Year C
When a woman guilty of adultery was brought to Jesus by the Scribes and Pharisees they reminded Him that, according to the Law of Moses, she should...
When Religion Becomes Unhealthy
Monday of Week 5 in Lent
The two readings for today correspond perfectly: women accused of adultery are about to be stoned to death but, at the last moment, they are rescued...
What Right Have We To Judge?
Tuesday of Week 5 in Lent
The Israelites grumble against Moses and are punished by biting serpents, but they are delivered by looking upon a bronze serpent erected by Moses...
Opportunities Knock, But Not Forever!
Wednesday of Week 5 in Lent
What is freedom? Does it mean doing whatever we wish, going wherever we please, having everything we want? Today's readings tell us that we can only...
No Freedom Without Holiness
Thursday of Week 5 in Lent
God in the first reading makes a covenant with Abram and promises to make him the father of a multitude of nations. Because of this He changes his...
"Whoever Keeps My Word..."
Friday of Week 5 in Lent
Both Jeremiah and Jesus are confronted by enemies in today's readings who are filled with hatred and murderous intent. Jeremiah is so confident that...
Is Our Catholic Identity Obvious?
Saturday of Week 5 in Lent
We are aware that it is wrong to deceive other people, but isn't it equally wrong to deceive ourselves? Self-deception is probably more common and...
Are We Guilty Of Self-Deception?
Ascension of the Lord - Eastertide
Let us begin by asking two questions. What did the Ascension mean for Jesus? And what does it mean to us? When we think of the Ascension of Jesus we...
Why The Ascension Was Necessary
Pentecost - Eastertide
Our Lord Jesus Christ completed His saving work when, after His death and resurrection, He ascended to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit into the...
How We Are Empowered By The Holy Spirit
Resurrection of the Lord - Eastertide
Thank you, heavenly Father, for giving us your Son and raising Him from the dead. In this way you showed your approval of all that He achieved. We...
Why Did the Apostles Not Expect the Resurrection?
Sunday of Week 2 in Eastertide - Year A
After the Crucifixion the Apostles were huddled together behind closed doors. It is not certain where but most likely they were in the Upper Room in...
The Easter Gifts Jesus Gives To Us