Homilies For This Week
Homily Archive
Monday of Week 2 in Eastertide
The whole city of Jerusalem had been stirred up by the news of the miraculous healing of the beggar at the gate of the Temple. Everyone knew the man...
We Need The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit
Tuesday of Week 2 in Eastertide
Could you, if you were well off, sell all you have to share it with those with little or nothing? It is asking a lot but this is precisely what the...
Are We Living As God's Children?
Wednesday of Week 2 in Eastertide
How actively and effectively the Lord worked among the early Christians in Jerusalem is shown by today's first reading. He was not going to allow the...
God Is Love
Thursday of Week 2 in Eastertide
To let everyone know in Jerusalem that Jesus had risen and that He offered them eternal life was the one intention on the minds of the apostles after...
Believing In Jesus And Working For Him Is All That Matters
Friday of Week 2 in Eastertide
Another conflict between the apostles and the Sanhedrin is recorded in today's first reading. This time they have an unexpected defender in the...
Waste Not, Want Not
Saturday of Week 2 in Eastertide
The first reading tells us of the practical steps the apostles took to see to the needs of the early Church. It appeared that the word of God was...
"It Is I. Do Not Be Afraid."
Sunday of Week 3 in Eastertide - Year A
In celebrating the Resurrection we marvel, not only at the fact of the event, but also at the transforming effect it had on the disciples. Each time...
The Presence Of The Risen Lord In Today's World
Sunday of Week 3 in Eastertide - Year B
One of the endearing and popular titles of Jesus is: the Good Shepherd. He it is who oversees and cares for, and sustains the whole community of the...
Is God Calling You To Be His Priest?
Monday of Week 3 in Eastertide
One of the most disheartening of human experiences is being misunderstood. Jesus knew how that felt. He worked great signs among His people and yet...
How To Cope With Misunderstanding
Tuesday of Week 3 in Eastertide
Despite the fact that Jesus fed 5,000 people on raw fish and five loaves they wanted further proof of Who He was. I cannot believe they had the...
Imitating Jesus In Life And Death
Wednesday of Week 3 in Eastertide
The day Stephen was martyred a terrible persecution started against the Church in Jerusalem. Many Christians left their homes and fled into the...
The Crown By Way Of The Cross
Thursday of Week 3 in Eastertide
When Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father draws him”, He is telling us that it is the Father who draws souls to Him. Those...
Bread For Eternity
Friday of Week 3 in Eastertide
Today's readings teach us that Jesus is not only present in the Eucharist, but also in people. Saul of Tarsus was noted as the persecutor of...
Jesus Is Present In People And In The Eucharist
Saturday of Week 3 in Eastertide
We could substitute the name of Jesus for Peter in today's first reading and it would sound like a Gospel narrative – except for one important...
Are We Fair-Weather Friends?
Sunday of Week 4 in Eastertide - Year A
This is Good Shepherd Sunday and Vocation Sunday. A little thought can help us to see the connection between the two titles. In today’s Gospel...
Beyond The Call Of Duty
Monday of Week 4 in Eastertide
If you had received some good news, would you keep it to yourself or would you want to share it with others? This was the question the early...
Sharing The Faith
Tuesday of Week 4 in Eastertide
Antioch, we are told in the first reading, is where the followers of Christ were first called Christians. For some people names are very...
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Wednesday of Week 4 in Eastertide
According to Saint John the words of today's Gospel were the very last of Jesus' public ministry. From then He will concentrate on teaching His...
Jesus' Words Will Be Our Judge
Thursday of Week 4 in Eastertide
We find Paul in the synagogue at Antioch in today's first reading. Invited to speak he gives a lesson in history, from the sojourn of the Jews in...
Are We Ambassadors For Christ?
Friday of Week 4 in Eastertide
The leaders of the Jewish community failed to recognize Jesus for who He was, the fulfilment of Jewish prophecy, and had Him executed. This is what...
A Heavenly Home Is Prepared For Us
Saturday of Week 4 in Eastertide
We often hear the expression, 'Their loss is our gain.' How true it is in relation to the Jews in Antioch who rejected Paul and Barnabas: they...
Jesus Is Our Mediator With God The Father
Sunday of Week 5 in Eastertide - Year A
All of us have but one life to live and we would all like to make a success of it. This is the message of today's Gospel reading. Jesus compared...
Are We Making Our Lives Fruitful?
Monday of Week 5 in Eastertide
The response that Paul and Barnabas received from town to town ranged from physical violence to hero worship. In one place they would be lucky to...
How Jesus Reveals Himself To Us As The Christ
Tuesday of Week 5 in Eastertide
Saint Paul did not get a hero's welcome in every city he visited. In fact he was hissed more than he was cheered, harassed more than he was honoured....
Circles Of Love
Wednesday of Week 5 in Eastertide
When Jesus tried to explain to His disciples Who He was, He used several different images … the Good Shepherd leading them, the Bread of Life...
"I Am The Vine; You Are The Branches."
Thursday of Week 5 in Eastertide
Jesus commands His disciples to love one another, but He first says that He loves them as the Father loves Him. The Father loves the Son with perfect...
True Love Is Not Burdensome
Friday of Week 5 in Eastertide
When the pagans converted to Christianity there was bound to be a difficult period of adjustment. They needed guidance but they were receiving...
The Real Challenge Of Love