Jesus Died For Us - Whether 'Big' People Or 'Little' People
Tuesday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time - Cycle I
Heb. 12:1-4 & Mk. 5:21-43
All the men and women of faith who have gone before us and who remained true to God are models of encouragement and hope. By their lives and often by their martyrdom, they display their dedication to God and His people. But the One person who stands head and shoulders above all of them has to be Jesus, the Son of God, Whose entire life was one of dedication to His Father and to His people.
Dedication to His Father was the driving force of His life and it moved Him to spend whole nights in prayer. From this prayer He was given the motivation and strength He needed to love and serve all His brothers and sisters in their needs.
In today’s Gospel we see how Jesus was as attentive to the unnamed woman in the crowd as He was to Jairus, the official of the synagogue and an important man in the community. Jesus was as concerned about the troubling ailment of the woman as He was about the critical illness of the little girl.
The universal love of Jesus found its highest expression in His death on the Cross. Jesus died for those whom the world calls the ‘big’ people and for those whom the world calls the ‘small’ people. From His death comes forth a healing power for all human sorrow and sicknesses. The power of His death will lead all of us eventually, we hope, to share in the glory of the resurrection.
Whether we are important people or not, whether our problems are large or small, we can each take courage from the truth that Jesus cares for us and loves us without exception. That is a consoling thought! No matter who we are … we matter to Jesus. Every one of us is special to Him.
Lord Jesus, You could not have demonstrated your love for us more than You did, with Your death on Calvary. Each one of is so special to You. May we all do our best to repay the love You give us.