Our Strength In The Face Of Persecution

Tuesday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time - Cycle I

Macc. 6:18-31 & Lk. 19:1-10

There is a real hero in today's first reading. Eleazar is a model of religious courage, looked upon with contempt by his persecutors. Although old and frail he possessed a deep inner strength. The wiles, threats and impending persecutions of his enemy were no match for his steadfast spirit. Physical force and threats could not make him break the law. Even the pretence of eating forbidden food to escape martyrdom could not break his will. He deemed such behaviour unworthy of a person committed to God's law. His strength came not from himself, but God.

Zachaeus in the Gospel was also a person looked upon with contempt, not only because he was a hated tax collector but also because he was small of stature. He too was the kind of person whom bullies would like to take advantage. But like him we are invited to change and move our lives in a more Christward direction.

His conversion was so radical that he returned the money he had fraudulently made and paid fourfold the amount he had cheated from them. This was not to get into the good books of his peers; it was the love of Jesus that compelled him to rid himself of the yoke of sin in which he had found himself trapped. He fully repented and pleased the Lord deeply.

There is no doubt that Eleazar found favour with God as Zachaeus did with Jesus. As people of faith we should let nothing intimidate us, whether it be people who ridicule us, or the values of society which pressure us to abandon the teachings of Christ. We, too, can be strong. For we have a strength as great as that found by Eleazar and Zachaeus - the Body and Blood of Jesus in our regular Communion.

Lord Jesus, like Zachaeus, we are all in need of repentance. May we follow his example and fully repent of all our sins, returning to Your love and hearing You say, “I must stay at your house today.”