Spread The News

10 January - Christmastide

1 Jn. 4:19-5:4 & Lk. 4:14-22

The people of Nazareth had been waiting with great excitement for Jesus to return to His home town. When He stood up and spoke to them in their synagogue they were delighted with His words because He brought them Good News. He told them that He was the one referred to in Isaiah’s prophecy, the one sent to say to the world, “God loves you.”

The world needed Good News. People were trapped in the slavery of sin. There were those who could see no evidence of God’s love for them. Others struggled with rejection and despair. But Jesus, the Son of God, had come to set captives free, to enlighten the spiritually blind, and to give hope and dignity to those who felt worthless.

The Good News which Jesus brought to His home town is relevant to us today. Knowing that God loves us so much we want to love Him in return, but how do we love Him if He is hidden from our sight? St. John gives us the answer. He reminds us that we are all children of God and for that reason we should love each other, and if we love the brothers and sisters we can see, then we are giving our love to God, whom we cannot see.

As we look around us we recognize that the Good News has not yet reached everyone. So many people do not know that God sent His Son to save us. Many young people know far more about pop stars and footballers than they do about Jesus Christ.

Jesus won’t be appearing again as He did in the synagogue at Nazareth to convey the Good News. Instead He asks you and me and each Christian to be other Christs, and in our own way to bring His Good News to our world today. Despite this materialistic world there are many ways of spreading the Good News. The way we speak, think, act, shop, use money, treat one another, do our work and guide our children are all opportunities to show our Christian values. Throughout each day we can be carriers of the Good News that loves all His children.

Jesus what an honour and a challenge You present to each one of us to be like You in telling the world that God loves us. May we never miss an opportunity to be like You and do Your work.