Who Is God And Who Am I?
2 January - Christmastide
1 Jn. 2:22-28 & Jn. 1:19-28
John the Apostle is very protective of his converts. He assures them that they have been anointed and need no one to teach them anything. They must keep alive what they have learned. He warns them against those who deny Jesus because this means they also deny the Father. He encourages them to live in Christ and so they will have confidence not shame at His coming.
When the Jews asked John the Baptist “Who are you?” he replied by telling them who he wasn’t. “I am no the Christ.” Knowing who you are not helps us to know who we are.
There is a story told about a man who went on a six day retreat. When he checked in, the receptionist asked him how he hoped to benefit from the retreat. “I want to know who is God, and who I am.” When the retreat was over, the receptionist was bidding him farewell and asked “Did you find the answer to your two questions?” “Oh yes,” he replied, “I now understand that Jesus is God and I am not!”
John the Baptist is such an outstanding saint because he knew he was not the Christ, nor Elijah nor one of the prophets. In the view of others he may have been larger than life, but in his own estimation he was simply another of God’s friends, only a voice and a very humble one. Being honest to ourselves make us honest with God.
A very useful way I find to get to know who you are is immediately on awakening to say just two words, “Our Father”. That will most certainly make us realise just how wonderful, how loving and all powerful is God - and just how dependent we are on Him, and also our relationship with others. I find this the best way of beginning every day.
Heavenly Father may I never forget that I am Your child and like everyone in this world I am very special to You. May I live this day and every day as you expect me to live them.